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Katie McLorinan
0418 307 331
Hahnemann Healing
Art for Wellbeing
Bio-resonance frequency therapy
For as long as I can remember, I have had an interest in natural remedies and therapies
My interest in alternative healing modalities increased, as I looked into different options after becoming very unwell several years ago. I discovered Kinesiology and Hahnemann Healing and they both set me on the path to wellness, physically and emotionally.
I began to understand the mind body connection and understand more about myself. I have been on a path of discovery ever since, to help myself and others.
I am a Kinesiologist and Hahnemnann Healer, as well as practising visual artist and an art for wellbeing facilitator. I find all of these modalities are wonderful in helping others on their path to wellness
I also have an eco-friendly art business that supports my passion of making art, that is fun, affordable and accessible. I like to share the creativity and skills with others via art for well-being & creative workshops as well as in one to one sessions.
I work with adults and children of all ages. I also work with clients on the NDIS individually and in groups
I am passionate about assisting others to heal. It is so wonderful to see how the power of healing and creativity can assist people to change, grow and bloom into their authentic best selves.
Next year I will be working with pets, to help them heal so stay tuned for that!