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Photo of an Indian Dream catcher with sun setting behind it.

Dream Interpretation

Dreams are an important and internal part of every person's life. Few people understand their dreams, nor their significance to their life, either at the time of the dream or into the future. 

Dreams are given to people to help them on their journey through life, to help them understand where they are at and what they are facing or about to face. 


Dream Interpreters have undergone specialised training in understanding what dreams are, where they come from, why they come to a person and in working with the client, they are able to advise on the nature of the dream and the message it contains for them. 


The process with the Dream Interpreter takes about 90 minutes (less on subsequent visits for new dreams) and is a gentle and enlightening experience. 


It is the job of the Dream Interpreter to give the client and clear understanding of the purpose and meaning of the dream. It is the of the client to decide whether or not they are going to take heed of this meaning and act upon it. 

Spirited New Beginnings

52 Kars Street, Frankston Victoria

All rights reserved. Copyright Spirited New Beginnings 2024


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